Wednesday 19 June 2024

June 19th - death of Piers Gaveston

 Today marks the anniversary of the death - supposedly execution but more like murder -  of Piers Gaveston, 1312.  After surrendering to Aymer de Valence, Earl of Pembroke on May 19th at Scarborough Castle, neither Piers or Edward II could have guessed that Piers would be dead a month later.  Whilst in the custody of Pembroke, Piers was left at Deddington Priory whilst Pembroke went to visit his wife at Bampton.   Piers' enemy, the 'Black dog of Arden', Guy of Warwick, must have had some knowledge of what was happening, as he struck when Pembroke left and took Piers prisoner.   He rushed to his fortress at Warwick, attempted a show of a trial - where Piers was not allowed to speak, and sentenced him to death.  Handing him over to Edward II's cousin Thomas of Lancaster, he was taken to Blacklow Hill on Lancaster's land and run through with a sword by two of Lancaster's men.  Only then was his head cut off.  A shameful and violent episode of Edward II's reign.  The murder of Piers achieved nothing except to bring down the wrath of Edward II on his cousin.  Lancaster would face the same fate himself in 1322.

Monument to Piers Gaveston at Blacklow Hill.  The inscription at the base of the monument below.