Inspired by some fun on Alianore’s brilliant Edward II forum – here is Piers’ favourite carol –
On the first day of Christmas Edward gave to me……….
a gold cup, enamelled with jewels (once belonged to his mother, apparently)
On the second day of Christmas Edward gave to me……….
a buckle of gold with two emeralds, two rubies, two sapphires and eleven pearls, with a cameo in the middle, (belonged to some German queen, I believe).
On the third day of Christmas Edward gave to me……….
sixty-three horses – and a rather splendid palfrey
On the fourth day of Christmas Edward gave to me……….
an enamelled silver mirror – never get tired of using it.
On the fifth day of Christmas Edward gave to me……….
A £1,000 ruby set in gold - I do like rubies.
On the sixth day of Christmas Edward gave to me……….
a gold crown encrusted with jewels – yes, my very own crown!
On the seventh day of Christmas Edward gave to me……….
a gold ring with a sapphire – matches nicely with the ruby.
On the eighth day of Christmas Edward gave to me………
silver ship with four gold oars – not quite sure why to put this.
On the ninth day of Christmas Edward gave to me……….
The Earldom of Cornwall and a marriage to his niece – who is rather pretty – can’t see him topping that.
On the tenth day of Christmas Edward gave to me……….
Wow – with the title, comes the Castle of Tintagel!
On the eleventh day of Christmas Edward gave to me………
100 silver shields, marked with an eagle, and a suit of armour – must hold another tournament soon to put those barons in their place – the dust!
On the twelfth day of Christmas Edward gave to me………..
a gold ring containing a great ruby. The ruby is called La Cerise – ‘the cherry’ – you can guess the size of it!
Alas, I don’t have much wealth to give Edward a present – but myself :) He seems happy with that – plus, he can share my silver forks for eating pears whenever he likes.
8 hours ago
Love it! Merry Christmas! (And my word verification is "peres"--how appropriate!)
Brilliant! Have a great Christmas Anerje!
I never get any luck with the codes - congrats on getting peres, Susan.
Hope you both had a great Christmas!
A wonderful post, Anerje!
Piers is my favorite "favorite", too! And you're an "Anne Fan". So am I! You're also an expert on Doc Holliday. In my opinion, that's the trifecta!
I recognized some of the gifts Edward gives Piers during "the 12 days of Christmas". Are they all real presents from Edward? I've noticed that Edward often gave Piers jewels and clothing that were green, red or both. I've wondered if those weren't the true colors on his coat of arms. There's a variation of the eagle devise on the Internet that shows touches of red in it. But usually it's displayed as yellow (or is it gold?) on green.
I'm reading all of Kathryn's posts, starting at the beginning. I plan to do the same with yours. I skipped ahead because I wanted to ask you about Edward's largess.
I won't ramble on the way I normally do, but it's just so wonderful to be able to talk about the subject.
Do you suppose we could get Sami over here for a discussion of Tombstone? I would love to learn from the two masters.
I really enjoyed the post!
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