Saturday 21 February 2009

Visiting Caerphilly Castle

Nothing to do with Piers, really, but this week I visted the magnificent castle at Caerphilly. It's the largest ruined castle in Wales, and was built not by the royal family, but by the de Clare family, which makes it even more unique. The de Clare family gained the lordship of Glamorgan in 1217. The de Clares were confronted with petty revolts, and to take control of Glamorgan, they built the castle at Caerphilly. The castle fell into the hands of Hugh Despencer, after the death of Gilbert de Clare at Bannockburn in 1314. Despencer was married to Gilbert's elder sister, Eleanor. Piers had been married to Gilbert's second sister, Margaret.

Here are some of the pictures I took. It was cold, but thankfully dry. I will add a little more about Despencer's time at Caerphilly castle next week.


  1. Wow, what a great place! Really looking forward to seeing more pics.

  2. All my pictures look a bit 'samey'. I'll try and post some more later. I'm mesmorised by that 'leaning tower', like so many other visitors.

  3. Ahh, dear Caerphilly. Why oh why didn't Hugh and Ed stay put there in 1326 instead of bimbling off to Neath!

    I'm looking forward to going back there again when it's a bit warmer!
