The recent discovery of the ‘Henry VIII’ mural has really got me thinking about what else might be ‘out there’, waiting to be discovered. Well, actually, what I would like to be discovered. Here’s my ‘wish’ list for Piers. I’ve kept it to 5.
The first 2 are difficult to choose between, but I’m going to go with –
1. A portrait of Piers. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if a locket with his likeness was hidden away somewhere? Or perhaps his likeness lurks beneath an ancient plastered wall as a mural. I’ve always thought of him as dark-haired but there’s just no way of knowing his hair colour. We just know he was athletic, graceful and with fine manners.
2. His tomb. We know that Edward II had Piers interred at Langley – eventually. Edward buried Piers some 21/2 years after his death in a fine tomb at Langley. There was a palace, Dominican friary/Church at Langley. Hardly anything remains. I’ve got in touch with the local historical society, and the best they can tell me is that a private school now stands on the probable site.
3. A ‘private’ letter from Piers to Edward II, preferably written in his own hand, revealing the true nature of their relationship.
4. A ‘private’ letter from Edward II, to Piers, revealing the true nature of their relationship.
5. Some of Piers’ ‘bling’:) Piers has the reputation of a love of finery and jewels. When Piers was taken, he had on him a silver box containing 3 large rubies set in rings ( maybe one was the famed ‘La Cerise’ ruby ring), a diamond and emerald. Who knows where these precious stones ended up? They could possibly still be amongst today’s royal jewels or in a private collection anywhere in the world. And no-one would their history. A few years back, I read an article about how a diamond worn in a portrait by Mary Tudor, Henry VIII’s daughter, was traced to the actress Elizabeth Taylor. Or how about one of Piers silver forks for eating pears?
An item not related to Piers I would love to see turn-up is Anne Boleyn’s famous ‘B’ pearl necklace, although I’m sure it would have been broken up and incorporated into some new jewellery.
18 hours ago
I'd love to see those things too! Who knows, maybe tucked away in an attic somewhere . . .
Oh, wouldn't these be fantastic?? *Yearns* For some reason the thought of a private letter from Piers to Edward being discovered is my favourite wish!
Susan - when you think Edward and Isa's 'wedding certificate' turned up in the 19th century, who knows what's out there?
Kathryn - I wonder if they ever wrote such a letter? or maybe they wold have thought it a bit 'risky'? But then they were separated by those exiles. Would love to be able to grant that wish!
Heh, I want to do some time travel and watch the battle at Idistaviso to figure out what was really going on there (we know a lot less about it than about the Varus battle). And I'd like to see Arminius. ;) We only know he had blue eyes, and he may have had blond hair because his brother did; he was nicknamed 'the Blond'.
I don't know about Time Travel Gabriele. I'd have to be invisible for that. And not sure I'd like to view any battles - I'm squeamish :>
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