Sunday 11 November 2012

More pix from Berkeley

It seems to be the norm now, that most castles don't allow photography in them anymore.  I feel guilty, but there are times I just have to have a photo.  Here are a couple of sneaky pix from Berkeley.

 Not a very good one of the so-called dungeon at Berkeley.  It seems to be a well, and it was here, according to one chronicler, where the carcasses of dead animal  were thrown in the hope the putrid smell would kill off Edward II - as well as most of the other occupants as it right in the middle of the castle!

 The material which has been nailed to the wall in one part of the castle is allegedly a tapestry from one of the tents of Henry VIII at the Field of Cloth of Gold, and was put in place for a visit for Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn.
 Their daughter, Elizabeth Ist, also visited the castle, and this is the bed covering used for her visit.
There's very little of it left, but this flag was the English standard from the battle of Flodden in 1513.
And of course, wherever Edward II has been, there just has to be some mention of Piers!  He gets everywhere:)


  1. Arenje, not only in England taking photos is forbidden:-( Do not feel guilty, I too was forced to take a few sneaky pixs while visiting Hradczany, the castle hill in Prague in the summer:-)

  2. There's always room for a mention of Piers, yay! :)

  3. LOL Kasia - yes, you just HAVE to!

    Kathryn - how brilliant is the name of that house opposite the castle?!

  4. It's just fantastic, and made me happy. :)
