Thursday 6 December 2012

Historical Reconstruction: Anne Boleyn 'The Moost Happi' Portrait Medal

Whilst surfing the net, I came across this superb reconstruction of a medallion of Anne Boleyn.  It's a reconstruction of the only surviving contemporary portrait of Anne Boleyn.  Check out any book on Anne Boleyn and you'll find it.  Here is a picture of the badly damaged original -

Stonecarver Lucy Churchill has superbly reconstructed it.  This is the result -

To find out about Lucy's reconstruction, check out her web page here -

There are an awful lot of tacky 'souveneirs' available featuring Anne Boleyn.  As an Anne supporter, I refuse to buy it - but this medal is absolutely stunning and well worth the price.  It's not often I flag up anything for sale, but this is worth every penny.  I ordered mine and am delighted with it.


  1. Arenje, impressive reconstruction indeed! I'm also Anne's supporter. IMHO, of Henry's all wives she was the most maligned and wronged.

    Are you already the happy owner of the medallion?

  2. Oh, I can see you are! I should be more careful reader :-)

  3. Wow, that's so great! Definitely worth buying!

    (Anerje and Kasia, sorry for lack of comments and/or emails lately, but I'm in the middle of a parental visit and not online much. :)

  4. Hi Kasia and Kathryn! There is so much 'Anne Boleyn stuff' on the net, and so much of it is bad, but this medallion deserved a mention - it's just outstanding.

  5. Anerje, I'm planning to recommend a few texts concerning medieval Christmas on Henry's blog. Would it be okay if I included the link to your Twelve Days of Christmas- According to Piers? I found it absolutely delightful!

    Oh, if you are interested in the new King Wenceslas, do visit us in our Lesser Land:-)

  6. Arenje, just in case I'm not around in the nearest future I want to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year, and in my native Polish Wesołych Świat i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku! It's been a pleasure to meet you and I'm truly happy I've met so many new people in 2012. Thank you and have a wonderful Christmas!

  7. Hi Kasia, sorry I haven't been able to get online the last few days. Yes of course you can link my post of Piers version of the 12 Days of Christmas. And a very Merry Christmas to you as well!

  8. Thank you Arenje! I will post the text with the link tomorrow.
    Which version of The Lion in Winter did you see? I saw the one with Glenn Close and Patrick Stewart, as Eleanor and Henry. I loved it although I heard the first one was outstanding.

  9. I saw it on stage in London, with Joanna Lumley and Robert Lindsay. I've seen both film versions - and I notice the Patrick Stewart version has been re-packaged and sold as 'Henry II'.

  10. Kasia, I blogged about the play last year - here's the link -

  11. Sorry, I'm never good at doing links!
