Saturday 15 March 2014

BBC 2 series on the Plantagenets begins next week!

Robert Bartlett begins a new series on BBC 2 next week about the Plantagenetss next week.  The blurb says he will cover the dynasty from Henry II to Richard III.  The opener is called - not surprisingly - the Devil's brood.  Looking forward to it.


  1. Anerje, you're an angel! Thank you!!! Although I'm not sure wheather I will be able to watch it :-)If yes, I'm still not sure wheather the Young King will get a mention (in Professor Bartlett's book on the Norman and Angevin kings ther's scarcely a word about him).

    P.S Would you mind if I mention it in a short note on Henry's blog?

  2. I'm not sure whether I'm looking forward to it or not. :/ I'm expecting the usual half-baked superficial stuff about Edward II that we get everywhere these days. I hope I'm pleasantly surprised!

  3. Anerje, I hope you don't mind, for I have already mentioned it, giving credit where due, of course :-)

  4. Kasia - of course I don't mind you posting it - it's out there to let people know. It's on tomorrow night and I agree with Kathryn - Piers probably get a mention. It's only in 3 parts - how can you go from Henry II to Richard III in 3 hours? Btw it's on tomorrow night.

  5. Guess I'll have to wait until the DVDs come out here in the US.
