This post was inspired by a recent post on Kathryn Warner's brilliant Edward II website - Edward II makes out..... Now, having read Kathryn's thoroughly re-searched new book on Edward II, I was amazed that she had over-looked chronicles and eminent professors who seemed to have access to documents not available anywhere else which prove that Edward II never had sexual relations with THAT woman, ie, his wife, and that he spent his reign 'making out' with Piers.
So I did a little research and found the 'lost' chronicle of Ralph and the 'Splendid Sun' - and yes, here was the missing evidence! Here are some quotes from it.
On Piers being made his squire, Prince Edward immediately 'ceased all princely activities and made out constantly with his new squire Piers'.
On the knighting of the Prince and Piers, 'the ceremony was delayed, on account of said Prince Edward making out with Piers'.
Here we have the evidence again - when Edward Ist lost his temper when the Prince asked his father for Ponthieu for Piers. 'The Prince was loathe to continually make out with Piers in Langley, and asked his father for Ponthieu where they might make out in the sunshine'. When the old king asked his son if he and Piers acted as brothers, 'the prince replieth - come on Pa, we make out whenever we get the chance!'. No wonder Piers was banished.
On Piers being made Earl of Cornwall, Ralph tells us 'the new King, liking Cornwall and it's magnificent castle, made Piers the Earl, and said how he couldn't wait to make out with Piers in the castle, hopefully with some role-play as King Arthur and Sir Lancelot. However, the new Earl demandeth that he playeth the role of King Arthur, and such was the king's lust to make out, he agreed'.
Here we have the news that Piers was left as regent while Edward II went to France to marry Isabella. On his return, Edward leapt from his ship, crashed through the waves 'and to the shock of all around, began to make out in the surf with Piers'. And at last we have the truth about what went on at the Coronation banquet. The food was indeed inedible, 'it burnt to a said crisp, for none could start as the king was late, too busy making out the Earl of Cornwall'. Far from being upset, Isabella breathed a sigh of relief ' forsooth I am grateful to the handsome Piers, as I am only but 12 years of age. He may make out with Piers as oft as he wishes, otherwise, he may appear a said pervert'.
And so it goes on - 'the king loveth to thatch ye old roof, and invite up Piers onto the roof to make out', 'the king liketh nothing better than to make out with Piers after a good day's ditch digging' and the king spent his time with the common people 'except when he made out with the said Piers, who demanded to make out only in luxury'.
According to Ralph, to save the king's blushes, Thomas of Lancaster omitted from the Ordinances 'the king must stop making out with Piers Gaveston non-stop - give someone else a chance'. So now we know the real reason why Piers was banished!
So far, this is all I have been able to find. I shall keep on researching this fascinating topic;)
19 hours ago
Hehehehe, fantastic :) How on earth did I miss all this stuff? :-)
Yes Kathryn, I'm so shocked you failed to find this astonishing information;) Thanks for inspiring my post though - made me laugh all week!
Anerje, this is great :-D The lady's comment you and Kathryn shared in your posts was widely commented on FB the other day (I have re-joined FB quite recently). Wish you could read people's respnses there... The lady should consider herself lucky she was spared reading their comments :-)
Lol Kasia - there ate times I wish I was on Facebook. I'm glad Kathryn posted it as it has really made me laugh all week!
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