Saturday 12 January 2019

January 12th 1312 - birth of Joan Gaveston

January 12th, 1312, saw the birth of  Piers Gaveston's daughter, Joan.   Joan's mother was Piers' wife, Margaret de Clare.  Piers had been exiled late in 1311, when  Margaret was heavily pregnant.   Margaret had accompanied Piers to Ireland for his second exile.  Being so heavily pregnant with their first child, there was no question that Margaret would be able to do so now.   There has been speculation that with the birth imminent, Piers may never have left England at all.  There were rumours that he was merely lying low, with of course the assistance of - who else? - Edward II.    Wherever Piers was, he was soon reunited with Margaret and his newborn daughter, Joan - but not before first being reunited with Edward II first!   All three were in the North of England, and it must have been a happy occasion.  


  1. Happy Birthday, Joan! I wish she'd lived longer. :(

  2. Me to - and that she had children and there were direct descendants.
