Today is the anniversary of the Coronation of Queen Anne Boleyn, June 1st 1533. It was a moment of triumph for Anne, being given an elaborate coronation after waiting to become Henry VIII's wife and Queen of England. Anne was also heavily pregnant- her daughter Elizabeth would be born early September. Now, I'm in no way a gardening expert, but I did purchase an Anne Boleyb Rose tree a few years ago. It usually starts to bud around May 19th, but is never in full flower. Late this week, the buds broke into their usual beauty pink blooms, and it struck me only then, maybe the roses were meant to flower on Anne's coronation day, not the anniversary of her execution. That would make much more sense! Here's 'Anne Boleyn ' in full bloom.
I wonder if there's a Piers Gaveston rose? Somehow I doubt it - but you never know.
1 day ago
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