Saturday 19 June 2021

June 19th - Anniversary of the death of Piers Gaveston

 June 19th is of course the anniversary of the death of Piers Gaveston in 1312.  Having surrendered to Aymer  de Valence, Earl of Pembroke, on very favourable terms, Piers was heading south with Pembroke when he was abducted by Guy, Earl of Warwick.  He was imprisoned and given a charade of a trial, in which he was not allowed to speak.  He was found guilty and sentenced to death.  Warwick, too cowardly to do the deed himself, handed Piers to the king’s cousin, Thomas of Lancaster.  Lancaster marched Piers from Warwick to his own land at Blacklow Hill.  He handed Piers over to some soldiers, who took Piers a little further, and ran him through with a sword and the cut off his head.  It seems even Lancaster couldn’t bring himself to watch such a shameful episode in English history.  RIP Piers.

The monument erected in memory of Piers Galveston in the 19th century at Blacklow Hill.
The inscription on the monument at Blacklow Hill.


  1. In remembrance of my favourite Gascon. Not some low born court fop as some believe. He was,
    A brave....fighting alongside his father from the age of 12/13 yrs old,
    A Loyal....standing by Edward II in all things and having his loyalty
    returned by Edward,
    A Gascon....strong, fierce and magnificent but impeccable in courtly manners,' dressed in his finery he looked like the god Mars',

    Piers Gaveston, Earl of Cornwall...a man of such strong character Edward II could not and would not ever forget and neither shall we.

  2. Hi Karen - that is a fantastic tribute to Piers. I'm always happy to read anything positive about Piers as there are so many negative portrayals of him. He should indeed be recognised for his many, many qualities.
