Thursday 19 May 2022

May 19th - Piers Gaveston surrenders Scarborough Castle and Anne Boleyn is executed, 1536

 May 19th is always an important date of rememberance for me.  It's the date when Piers Gaveston surrendered Scarborough Castle.  You can read more about it in this post - Surrender at Scarborough Castle

Due to the recent pandemic, visiting places such as the Tower of London, perhaps my favourite place to visit, has been out of the question, but I did make it back last month!  There were a few changes.  Most noticeably, the downstairs of the Beauchamp Tower finally has a new display for Prisoners in the Tower.  It had been unchanged since I was a child.  The carvings in the upstairs chamber have also been given a 'makeover', with more information on them.  Anne Boleyn's uncrowned falcon crest now clearly stands out.

Previously, the chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula had been part of the Beefeater Tour.  You are now allowed in at your leisure, and there are Beefeaters present if you wish to ask any questions.  Even in April, there were flowers on the grave of Anne Boleyn.  I've been to the Tower so many times I've lost count.   And I will keep on returning.  I spent 7 hours there the day I went - and still didn't see everything!

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