Monday 18 July 2022

If only........

 If only.......this had happened, or hadn't happened.  Many history fans have often thought this.  And it's noticeable there are 'alternative' history novels being written.  We often wish we could change key events of history.  Watching 'Anne of the Thousand Days' for the umpteenth time the other week, I still wished that Anne Boleyn's speech to Henry VIII in the Tower had happened - whereby she tells him that she won't admit her marriage is invalid,  and that Elizabeth will make a fantastic Queen, better than any king Henry might produce with any other wife.  She then tells him her blood will have been 'well spent'.  If only.....but of course, once she was arrested, Anne never saw Henry again, and she could not have known what was going to happen to Elizabeth, but she was no doubt extremely worried about her daughter's future.

Other 'if only' s for me - well, that the Earl of Pembroke,  Aymer de Valence, was not desperate to see his wife at Bampton, leaving Piers Gaveston with a small garrison to guard him at Deddington Priory.  That would ensure that Guy, Earl of Warwick, didn't storm the Priory and capture Piers, take him prisoner, march him to Warwick Castle and arrange his execution.  No doubt Guy had spies, watching Pembroke's movements, waiting for an opportunity to strike.  But he may not have got another opportunity.  Or maybe he would have challenged Pembroke openly.  Piers trusted the honourable Pembroke.  If only he hadn't he might have tried to escape.  But he had surrendered on favourable terms, and both Piers and Pembroke kept their word.

If only.... Edward II had not allowed his son to join his wife, Isabella, in France, to pay homage for Gascony.  Although, hindsight is a brilliant gift, and the events of 1327 could not have been imagined!

If only.....Prince Arthur, son of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York, had lived.  Then Henry, his younger brother, would have remained just that!  I've often wondered what sort of King Arthur would have made.  I've read a coupe of books about him, and visited his tomb at Worcester many times.  He had all the makings of a great king - his education and character seem to bear this out.  Of course, we'll never really know, but he had a strong sense of duty from an early age, and so much had been invested in him.  He had ruled his mini-court at Ludlow with support from a young age.  Would he and Katherine of Aragon have had children that survived?  Would the Tudor dynasty have survived?  Would Prince Henry have remained loyal, or would his Yorkist genes caused rebellious trouble?  Of course, had Arthur survived, we would not have had Anne Boleyn, and then Elizabeth 1st, although I'm sure the Reformation would have taken a hold of some sort.

If only....Anthony Woodville had avoided his meeting with Richard of Gloucester and the Duke of Buckingham at Stony Stratford.  Although I have the feeling Richard was determined to ambush Woodville and take custody of Edward V wherever he could.

If only.....Edward IV had married Elizabeth Woodville in a ceremony with lots of witnesses.  Enough said.

If only....Anne Boleyn had produced a living son.   Her position would then have been unassailable.  But then we'd have no Elizabeth 1st.

If only Margaret of Anjou had lived long enough to see the defeat of the Yorkists at Bosworth and the start of the Tudor dynasty - the final triumph of Lancaster over York.  That would not really have changed history that much, but it would have been wonderful!

There are many other 'if only's in history I could include.  The ones I've listed are my favourites.

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