Thursday 20 April 2023

Remembering William Shakespeare

 Stratford Upon Avon is one of my favourite places to visit.  I try to go every year!  It is almost the 'perfect Tudor town'.  William Shakespeare was born and baptised on April 26th 1564, and died April 23rd 1616.  We  actually know very little about Shakespeare's life in Stratford, but visiting Stratford, you can see the house where he was born, the school he attended, the remains of the house that he retired to and the Church, Trinity Church, where he and his family are buried.  You can also visit Croft Hall, the house where his daughter Susanna lived.  Just outside Stratford, you can visit his wife Anne Hathaway's Cottage and the farm where his mother's family lived - Mary Arden's farm.  As it's April, I thought I'd share my photos of the birthplace in Henley Street and Holy Trinity Church.

Below is the birthplace of Shakespeare.  It's been very much extended over the years.

The 'birth room' of Shakespeare - although of course we don't know for certain if this is the actual room.

The monument at Holy Trinity Church for William Shakespeare.

Holy Trinity Church where Shakespeare, and his family, are buried.  You can easily visit all the places associated with Shakespeare in Stratford in a day. 

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