Saturday 18 May 2024

May 19th - beginning of the end for Piers Gaveston and execution of Anne Boleyn

 May 19th has come round again.  May 19th 1312 is the day Piers Gaveston, having returned from his third exile, to meet once again with Edward II at the beginning of the year and to his wife and their newly born daughter Joan,  was delivered into the custody of Amyer de Valence, Earl of Pembroke.  Piers had gone to Scarborough Castle to prepare for a siege, but evidently wasn't that prepared, and surrendered on very good term to Pembroke.  If no decision between the barons and Piers was reached, he was to be allowed back to Scarborough Castle.  Pembroke was a man of honour, and Piers must have felt confident he would once again 'escape' destruction.

Anne Boleyn had been due to be beheaded on May 18th, 1536,  but had to wait 24 hours due to the swordsman from Calais  being delayed.  Anne must have suffered agonies awaiting her fate.  The delay was undoubtedly cruel.  Nevertheless, Anne was ready the next day to meet her fate, which she did with great dignity.  No doubt there will be flowers delivered/taken to the Tower of London, as is the tradition every May 19th. 

 For once, my Anne Boleyn rose has started to bud ready for May 19th.

This year I was fortunate to visit Hever Castle, which is undergoing alterations to develop the Boleyn Apartments.  Two of Anne's prayer books are on display, with the one on the right believed to have been carried by Anne to the scaffold.

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