Tuesday 23 July 2024

Edward II’s re-action to the death of Piers Gaveston

 When Edward II heard about Piers being kidnapped by Guy, Earl of Warwick, he must have truly feared what would happen.  Having been relieved that Piers had surrendered to The Earl of Pembroke on very favourable terms at Scarborough Castle, Edward knew Pembroke to be a man of honour and would keep Piers safe.  But his kidnap by Guy of Warwick struck fear into Edward.  Warwick didn’t act alone.  Edward’s cousin, Thomas of Lancaster, was waiting at Warwick Castle for Piers, and both were united in their hatred of Piers.  There could only be one outcome.  Both men were obviously fearful at what they were about to do.  Warwick stayed in his castle, refusing to attend the ’ execution’ of Piers or even allowing it to take place on his land.  He handed him over to Lancaster, who took him to Blacklow Hill, which was part of his lands.  Even Lancaster didn’t have the stomach to watch Piers being run through with a sword and then his head cut off.

It seems Edward didn’t learn what had happened until days later.  According to the Vita Edwardi Secundi, Edward exploded with rage - at Piers!

“By God’s soul, he acted as a fool.  If he had taken my advice he would never have fallen into the hands of the earls.  This is what I always told him not to do. For I guessed that what has now happened would occur.  What was he doing with the Earl of Warwick, who was known never to have liked him? I knew for certain that if the Earl caught him , Piers would never escape from his hands.”

It seems an extraordinary outburst from Edward.  After all, it wasn’t Piers fault that he was kidnapped by Warwick.  I’m sure Piers must have known disaster awaited him after Warwick seized him when Pembroke left him at Deddington so he could visit his wife.  He knew how Warwick and Lancaster loathed him.  He didn’t need Edward’s advice for that.   Calling Piers a fool, almost blaming him, for what happened, seems totally out of character for Edward, who clearly loved Piers.   One can only put it down to shock before the grief kicked in.  Edward’s actions afterwards demonstrate his deep love for Piers and his determination to get his revenge upon Warwick and Lancaster.

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