I just couldn't resist -
1. Piers Gaveston Really satisfies – guaranteed by Ed?
2. Thank Piers Gaveston it’s Friday – why not every day?
3. Marvin the Mountie always gets his Piers Gaveston – Not if Ed gets him first!
4. Your Piers Gaveston, Right Away – if only!
5. I’m not gonna pay a lot for this Piers Gaveston – oh yes you are, he has expensive tastes!
6. Just for the taste of Piers Gaveston – MMM!
7. Get The Piers Gaveston Habit – a habit Ed couldn’t break!
8. Gotta Lotta Piers Gaveston – just ask the nobility!
9. Better Living Through Piers Gaveston – Ed certainly thought so!
10. It Makes Your Piers Gaveston Smack! – it will if you try to banish him!
11. Piers Gaveston Saves Your Soul! – one of Ed’s arguments against banishment?
12. Piers Gaveston keeps going and going! – so says Ed?
13. Makes You Feel Piers Gaveston Again! – erm, so says Ed!
14. Cleans a big, big Piers Gaveston for less than half a crown! – half a crown? You’ll be lucky!
15. Savour the flavour of Piers Gaveston – recommendation by Ed.
5 days ago
LOL, those are great! I love 6 and 15 especially. :-)
Have a great Christmas, Anerje!
That was a great generator!
Merry Christmas to you as well!
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